The week was filled with so much excitement but so much to do as well. We had favors to make, centerpieces to create, as well as trying to figure out how to have the rehearsal in 3 languages. As a first language, JP and his parents speak Swiss-French, Sarvia and her parents speak Spanish and most of their bridal party spoke English while some only spoke one of those languages. You think that is confusing, imagine having to direct and coordinate the wedding when you only speak 1 language fluently and can barely get by in another but can't speak a lick of the other (that was for your southerners). We managed just fine though.
A few highlights of the wedding for me was the fact that we were only 30 minutes late getting started and that Sarvia learned and spoke her vows in French. This was indeed a wonderful experience for me. I kept hearing from various people all throughout the day what an amazing job I did and that I should start charging for my services. I earned the nickname "J Lo" (from the movie) and was told that if i ever left YWAM I should open a Wedding Planning business cause I was so good at it. I even had some offers of partners and staff. Who knows, maybe someday ... for now I will just continue serving God by helping others on their special day. Check out some of the pictures from the wedding and reception. In a few, you can see my backside as I direct people on when to walk down the aisle and preparing for Sarvia's entrance.