As I was watching this film I was reminded of films such as Spartacus and Gladiator, even Gamer. It was very reminiscent of the games of the old Roman Empire back in Julius Caesar days and before. For entertainment, those less fortunate were forced to fight against each other while thousands stood by & cheered them on. The "tributes" were paraded in front of the wealthy in hopes of securing sponsors who would send medicine and other supplies to you during the "game".
It makes me think though that people growing up with this wouldn't know that it is wrong. I mean this would be normal. How much of the things our kids grow up with are "normal" but in our grandparents day and age would have been obscene. I'm thinking of bathing suits and tv shows, here. The more desensitized we become the more likely something like Gamer or Hunger Games will be.
In praying for our society, let's pray for the Arts and Entertainment areas. Pray for those making decisions and the Christians that are currently in this field. Pray that our minds and hearts would be guarded like the song says, "Oh be careful little eyes what you see ..."