I don't know about you but I HATE getting rid of stuff that is still useful. Not sure if this is my teacher-brain, my missionary-brain, my growing up poor brain or just how I was wired by God, either way, I don't like throwing things out that still have "life" in them.
This past weekend, however, I was able to go through things with a very determined eye & while somethings were definitely still useful, I decided that they were no longer useful to me and therefore I could lovingly donate them to someone else. So, I loaded up my car with around 4 large trashbags of clothes plus a box or two of some household items that I no longer need. I will be dropping them off shortly to our donation trailer to be given to others who can use them.
Why is it so hard for us to get rid of the "junk" that is taking up space in our lives? Sometimes for me it is an emotional attachment, other times it is a money thing (I, or someone else, spent $$ on this so I'm throwing out money), and other times it's just pure laziness! Then I look around my room or home and realize that I can't find joy in my surroundings. I'm more stressed than joyful when I spend that extra time there. There is freedom in letting go. There is freedom in removing stressful things. I'm by NO MEANS a minimalist, nor do I want to be. I am, however, discovering the value in letting go of things that aren't really that important to me so that I can make space for the things that are.
The same is true of my spiritual life. Sometimes it is so hard to just let go of the "junk" or the people who are weighing us down. I find that especially true when there has been so much time and energy put into said relationships. I think of the wasted time or I get to thinking that I've come this far, might as well see it through. But sometimes, you just have to cut ties, throw it away, give it (or them) to someone else. There are for sure times that we are called to persevere! But there are times where we need to let go and let God because they are an albatross around our necks, dragging us down, stealing our joy.
I'll tell you, I still have much more to go but I was able for the first time in months to put clothes away in my drawers and close them. Because I took the doors off my closet, I'm able to actually see things in my space and I know that I will actually be able to use them!! I am an "out of sight, out of mind" kinda girl so my organizational style needs to be able to see what I have so I can actually use it.
Because of this out of sight mentality, going through clothes that were in the bottom of my closet and in boxes under my bed was like going shopping for free! I rediscovered a whole new wardrobe that I forgot about and haven't worn in probably years! BONUS!!