Now I know that I have talked alot about food (and that is a HUGE part of Thanksgiving for my family so why not give it its due) but seriously, I have so much to be thankful for this year. I have a wonderful job that I love, an amazing place to live with incredible housemates. I grow more passionately in love with Jesus every day. I was able to go home for Thanksgiving and see some family members that I haven't seen in at least 5 years. I was able to see some friends that I haven't seen in at least 7 years. I have been given so much this past year, so much so that I have been able to bless others as well. That fills my heart with joy and gladness to overflowing. You each are a huge blessing to me just by being you. I am so thankful for the gift of each of you in my life!! What a wonderful feeling to be surrounded by such incredible supporters. I wish that I could truly show my gratitude to each of you in person, face-to-face.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a part of my life and part of my support system this past year!! You guys have made it possible to continue on when I didn't have the strength to carry on, you were my Aaron and Hur, holding me up when I needed it. Through your prayers and financial blessings I have been able to live out the calling God placed on my life. I don't know that I will ever be able to thoroughly thank you.