I am not sure what my niece (5) & nephew (7) but they still believe in the tooth fairy (even though one of their great aunts convinced them that the tooth fairy was her mom when she was growing up) so I'm pretty sure Santa is still up there. They also have one of the mischievous elves and they trust that he is the one making the huge messes all around the house so they still believe in the magic of such things.
I honestly don't recall if I believed in Santa or what I was taught as a young child. I'm sure that we got presents from Santa because even into my high school days I was still getting a few presents from Santa but my brother would have still been in single digits so I'm sure that was more for him than for me. I do, however, recall very distinctly when our family's mentality shifted significantly concerning Christmas & Santa. I don't remember the exact year but I do know that it was a few years after my parents got divorced. My mom was doing all she could to provide a roof over our heads, clothes on our backs and food in our tummys. She struggled alot (and still does occasionally) back then to make ends meet. We often got our food from our church's food bank and there was more than one occasion that our church's benevolent fund paid our electrical bill. That year, however, things were worse than ever. We couldn't even afford a Christmas tree and we weren't going to have any Christmas presents because there wasn't enough money to pay the bills much less get presents. I am sure that my mom was heartbroken and feeling defeated cause she wouldn't be able to give us Christmas like she wanted. I'm pretty sure the church paid our electric bill that month as well.
If memory serves me correctly, mom got a phone call from the church office saying that someone had left money there for her and she needed to come pick it up. I don't recall the exact amount but when Christmas morning rolled around, we had presents and a turkey with all the fixings for dinner. My mom told us the story of how someone had given money anonymously so that we could have presents so instead of putting "mom" or "santa" in the FROM line, she had neatly written "God". I will never forget that year and each subsequent year all of our presents have come from God.
That Christmas, God used one of His angels here on earth to provide for our family and I am forever grateful to that person's obedience. We still have no idea who that person was but there have been numerous occasions throughout the years that God has blessed our family with mysterious love gifts found in our mailbox, on our doorstep, at the church office and even sometimes directly in our bank accounts.
This year, God continues to give me Christmas presents. I am blessed beyond measure and my heart is filled to overflowing with the love He has poured out upon me. As you celebrate Christmas in your own way, I ask that you remember that all good things come from the Lord, even Christmas presents.
So, what do you tell your kids about Santa??