"His incomparably great power for us who believe ... is like the working of his mighty strength." Ephesians 1:19 Beth Moore writes of this verse: "God exerts incomparable power in the lives of those who continue believing Him. Nothing on earth compares to the strength God willingly interjects into lives caught in the act of believing. Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Paul likens it to the stunning power God exerted when He raised His Son from the dead!
Can you think of any need you might have that would require more strength than God exercised to raise the dead? Me either. God can raise marriages from the dead, and He can restore life and purpose to those who have given up. He can forgive and purify the vilest sinner. You have no need that exceeds His power. Faith is God’s favorite invitation to RSVP with proof."
Often times we don't walk out in this power because we don't think we have or we don't believe in ourselves. Other times, we don't trust that God wants to do anything GREAT through us, I mean how many times have you thought, "God can't use me to do something great because I've messed up way too many times in my life." I probably have this thought or one like it at least once a week.
A friend recently posted a video testimony he gave at his home church in Canada about his very same thing. He didn't think that God could possibly use a horrible sinner like him to do anything good let alone great. Check out his testimony below about how his mindset was dramatically shifted by one seemingly small encounter & being willing to just say yes.