This year I am celebrating Thanksgiving in Mexico and teaching preschoolers from literally all over the world why we observe this wonderful holiday. It is quite a unique experience, let me assure you. Of course in explaining the Pilgrams & Indians to our international students we learned that we celebrate Thanksgiving because they SHARED. (Yeah, I thought it was a pretty genius idea as well.) They shared their food, knowledge, land, etc.
As I sit here in the cafe at our YWAM Campus in Tijuana reflecting on my life I can't help but to think about the things that I'm thankful for.
So, here is my list of 30 things that I am grateful for this year: (not necessarily in order of importance)
1. My Lord & Savior
2. My friends
3. My "job"
4. My preschool students
5. My home church, Metro Church of God
6. My housemates
7. A roof over my head
8. A bed to sleep in every night
9. Clothes that fit & are warm
10. Food to eat, that I mostly don't have to prepare myself
11. My supporters
12. My extended family
13. My Amazing mom (nov 13 is her birthday)
14. My YWAM family
15. A God that loves & adores me
16. My brother
17. My dad & step mom
18. An incredible football team to cheer for (Roll Tide)
19. The ability to read & study God's Word freely
20. Adorable babies that I can cuddle & get my baby fix any time I want!
21. Monthly supporters who have sent money faithfully ever single month for the last 7 years (the Crawford Family, Peoples Family, Metro Church, and I'm sure I'm forgetting some, sorry).
22. A computer to connect with people
23. Half priced movies in the theater!!
24. My nephew, Jay
25. My niece, Kaylee
26. My small group girls
27. My one-on-one girls
28. My prayer team
29. The opportunity to teach again
30. My incredible sister whose birthday is this Saturday (nov 30)
So that is my list. What are you thankful for this year??