I walked over and surveyed the mess looking for a way to salvage this wreck. I put my thinking cap on and realized that I know how to actually build a house. Looking around I found all the tools necessary (since we were building a house and all they were readily available) and told little Erik not to fret, we can do it.
Erik and I found several matching pieces of plywood and started constructing a small box-like shape. Soon the structure was taking shape and beginning to look like a house. We found extra roofing paper and shingles and added them to our masterpiece. We even got one of the guys to cut out a door for our house. Not to waste a single thing, we used a left over duct tape nametag to secure the cut-out door back to the house creating a hinge. Now that is inventive!!
I found through my talking and building with Erik that this 10 year old liked to build, use the hammer stapler more than the regular hammer and was thrilled to be moving into his house (the big one, not the one we built together, it was too small).
We had to clean up before Erik and I could finish building our house but I promised before I left that we would complete it the next day. Well, the next morning I was a little late getting to the job site as I had to turn in paperwork for my Mexican Visa. When I finally arrived at Erik's house I found that he had already completed our house and had been very sad that I had not been there to help. I explained my morning activities and reassured him that he had done an excellent job without me. A few minutes later he asked how to spell my name and I looked to see that he had added a small piece of metal that we use to cap off the edges of the roof. On this metal he had painted his name and with a pencil was adding my name. This was truly our house!!
I must admit I have never had so much fun building a house and I will remember this experience for the rest of my life. So see, I can build a house too!
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