My current view! ❤️? #nanalife #missionarylife #waitingonbaby
July 19, 2019 at 11:46AM
via Instagram http://bit.ly/2JHR5l4
![]() My current view! ❤️? #nanalife #missionarylife #waitingonbaby July 19, 2019 at 11:46AM via Instagram http://bit.ly/2JHR5l4
![]() We built the best fort yesterday and Zeke loved it until Aidan tried to get out like the Kool-aid man and knocked the whole thing down! #kidlife #nanalife #zekey #baidan #missionarylife July 17, 2019 at 06:20AM via Instagram http://bit.ly/2GfydHS ![]() Having lots of fun with these cuties!! We are just waiting on baby sister to decide to join us!! Their parents were in staff with me in Mexico at @ywamsdb and I got to hold each of them shortly after they were born. I got all the snuggles and helped mom and dad out as best I could. I’m so glad that I’m able to be here in Michigan to help them welcome baby’s sister soon! #missionarylife July 15, 2019 at 03:43PM via Instagram http://bit.ly/2lCEPsx Not only are we tasked with loving our neighbor but if we read closely, we also have to love ourselves. I don’t mean that arrogant & prideful, fake “love” but truly being comfortable with who we are, knowing our true identity and walking in that freedom. ❤️ 😍 This scripture encourages us to love our neighbor the way we love ourselves. Perhaps this is why we struggle with showing love to everyone, we don’t know how because we don’t actually love ourselves; truly, honestly, humbly. 👀 🤦♀️
Jesus, our example for life, genuinely loved everyone (note He didn’t like everyone and also still called people out on their crap) because He knew EXACTLY who He was and wasn’t afraid to be precisely that! He could love others as He loved Himself. ✝️ 👌 😇 Find a way to show His love to people today including yourself! There are so many who dread this day because of past hurts, current disappointments, or future expectations. Send flowers, chocolate or make a card. Do something practical or unexpected. Let me know what someone did for you today! #galatians514 #valentines #truelove #valentinesday2019 #valentinesday #allthelove ![]() After nearly a month with no working refrigerator, I finally have one!! Now I have to go grocery shopping! ?????????????? Do you know how hard it is to live an entire month with no refrigeration?? No leftovers, no frozen dinners, no creamer for my coffee, no cheese, sandwich meat, etc! Such a travesty! ?♀️ I was sick last week and couldn’t make myself foods because I either didn’t have the ingredients or couldn’t cook it because I’d have to throw a ton away!! Ugh!! #firstworkdproblems #missionarylife #rvlife #stationaryrvliving November 21, 2018 at 08:51PM via Instagram http://bit.ly/2P1gDZS ![]() First meal in my new house, fitting it should be carne asada! #yum #rvliving #sherilsstationaryrvlivingjourney #missionarylife October 19, 2018 at 08:06PM via Instagram http://bit.ly/2NNhuww ![]() Just added some personal touches to the walls!!! I’m loving it! Here’s to hoping it stays overnight!! #rvliving #triumphthetrailer #stationaryliving #missionarylife #peelandstick October 11, 2018 at 09:22PM via Instagram http://bit.ly/2IPJTkx I know what you are thinking. Prayer shouldn't be about fun! Prayer is a very serious thing, a conversation between you & God. And you would be correct! HOWEVER There are many times where we gather corporately to intercede or pray on behalf of someone else. These times can be a little intimidating but they don't have to be. I recall many times in youth group where we would be tasked with praying for each other or worse, in front of everyone!! For those who are shy, introverts, visitor, or a brand new Christian this can be very scary and may turn them off to the whole idea of prayer. Here in YWAM we have weekly intercession days where we spend 30-45 mins praying on behalf of local ministries, countries and people groups around the world, our home nations, or just each other. Most of the time we simply break up into groups of 3-5 after we have heard some information about the topic/group and we spend time praying over prayer points given or waiting on the Lord to hear His heart on the subject. Occasionally these times are a bit more interactive. Here are a few ways that we make that prayer time a bit more fun! Speed Prayer:Speed prayer is kinda like speed dating. Yup, you read that correctly! Speed dating! Basically what you do is split the group into two equal teams. You can do this by birthdays, ages, nationality, or just have everyone pair up. One group will form a circle facing out and the other will form a circle facing the inner group. Each person should have someone directly in front of them. There are several ways to go from here. With big groups you can have the inner & outer circles move simultaneously such as the inner circle moves to the right 5 times and the outer circle moves to their right 3 times. For smaller groups, just have everyone move to their right once. Each time you change "partners" you introduce yourself (if you don't know the other person) and then share any prayer needs you may have. Spend about 5 mins praying for each other (10 mins total). Switch & Repeat! That's it. Variations: If you are comfortable with your group you can also do what's called prophetic prayer times. In this case, you would switch partners like normal but instead of sharing a prayer need, you would spend a few minutes seeking the Lord and then praying whatever you feel like He is saying. Now, this isn't for every group. This type of praying can be very intimidating even in Pentecostal churches because there is the fear that you will not hear God or that you will say the wrong thing. But I believe that everyone hears Him, they just may not recognize that it's Him. Balloon Prayers:Balloon Prayers simply require balloons and sharpies. That is all. Everyone gets a balloon and a sharpie. They anonymously write a prayer request on the balloon and blow it up, tie it off (or you can blow them up, tie them off and then write on them). Once everyone has written on a balloon and they are ready to go, everyone gets in the middle of the room and kinda like playing hot potato, you play some music and launch the balloons in the air. Keep batting the balloons into the air until the music stops. When the music stops, everyone grabs a balloon and spends a few minutes praying for that request. Play the music again and repeat! Repeat as many times as you like. Make sure to pop all the balloons & pick up the pieces when you are done! That's it. This is a great activity for any size group, small or large. Prophetic Prayer:A great way to make prayer times interactive for small groups is Prophetic Prayer with some construction paper. To begin, gather some construction paper and some markers (you can also use white paper and pens/pencils but I think the colored construction paper makes it more fun). We then had each person grab a piece of paper and then draw their hand on one side. Make sure you remember your color! This will help later. Then spread the papers out around the room and have each student/person grab a marker and go to each page. They will pray over that person and then write down any encouraging words, scriptures or messages that they hear or think of while they are praying. Continue this around the room so that each paper gets prayed over and written on. When you are done and every one has had a chance to pray over each paper, have each person/student find their own (if they've remembered their color this will be a little bit easier and they can match their handprint). Spend some time reading the encouraging words and scriptures. Have the students share out any that really resonates with them. Students can take these home with them as a reminder that God is speaking to them. Tip: One way to help with finding their own paper at the end, using a pencil gently write their name or initials in the corner on one side. This needs to be faint as it is best when this is done anonymously. Thankful Tree:One thing we love to do during November is a Thankful Tree. Sometimes this is an individual project and other times this is a group effort. Sometimes it's big enough for the whole wall and others it is just an 8.5x11 sheet of paper. I used my cricut machine to cut out various leaves in construction paper (you can laminate for a more sturdy version). You can also pick up some pre-cut leaves on Amazon or at a local teacher store, sometimes the dollar store also has them in the teacher/school supply section. We had each person choose a leaf and then wrote things they were thankful for on their leaf and then taped them to to the wall (we used sticky-tack). Throughout the month, have students go & thank God for the things on the tree, it could be their own or someone else's. Such a great way to remind us to be thankful for all things big & small. What are some ways that you make prayer and intercession fun and exciting with your family, friends, or groups? Share them down below, I'd love to hear about them and maybe implement some things with our youth group.
![]() Our kids ministry @metro_bhm is cooler than yours! #mater #metrokids #missionarylife August 17, 2018 at 03:13PM via Instagram http://bit.ly/2OGpyjo As many of you know, I am in the process of starting a K-12 school on our YWAM campus in San Antonio del Mar, Mexico. Part of my time is also spent tutoring a few missionary kids who are either homeschooling or attending a local, private school. Some kids speak English and other speak Spanish, a few even speak other languages as well. Most of my mornings are spent with kids who I am actively teaching. These are students who are currently homeschooling and I am helping their parents either supplement their own teachings or help them master subjects that their parents struggle with or don't know how to teach. In the afternoons, I spend time one on one with several students working on specific subjects or mastering skills like multiplication or reading. Each student that comes to me in the afternoons receive an individualized and specialized learning plan and we dive into meet their needs. Sometimes these needs change from week to week and other times it's buckling down and mastering a particular skillset. Sometimes, when the local school is out for the day (which happens quite often), some of our other friends join us. We run out of space very quickly but it is fun to see how the school will be when we have even more kids. Luckily, I often have a volunteer or two around to help out. This makes it so much easier to meet the needs of each student. Currently my school has 8 students ranging in ages of 6-15. They are all on different levels and grades so it's like teaching every grade all at the same time. Some days this can be challenging going from counting, addition and basic math operations to multiplication and division and then over to quadratic formulas. My brain often hurts at the end of the day. But it is all so very worth it when I get to see someone surpass their goals. This young lady, at the beginning of the year, could barely recall and recognize her letters and now, she is reading books! That is a HUGE accomplishment and we definitely celebrated that day! What are some things you do everyday with little to know result? Have you been able to celebrate little triumphs? Share them with me in the comments, I'd love to celebrate with you!
AuthorI am on an amazing adventure traveling the world with Jesus. Join me on my adventure and learn what I learn. *Add a note stating it is Staff Support for Sheril Brasher or Little Builder's Preschool
July 2019
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