One of it’s key ingredients is Citronella. Anyone ever heard of Citronella? Raise your hand. Good stuff, right?
Purification is recommended for topical or aromatic use and it has a clean, crisp aroma. Purification provides great support for the Integumentary System (hair, nails, skin, etc), and the Digestive System.
This one of my absolute favorite essential oil blends by Young Living. It comes in the Premium Starter Kit and is great for deodorizing and freshening spaces and places. When our preschool flooded in December, I sprayed a mix of water & purification oil all over the carpets & water damaged surfaces every few hours for several days. When I came back from Christmas holidays there were NO mildew smells to be found.
Here are just a few uses for this awesome oil blend, Purification:
- Add to water in a small spray bottle and use when traveling for bathrooms or to spray down sheets or to freshen a musty cabin.
- It’s an excellent year-round Pillow spray.
- Put a few drops on cotton balls and place on vents in house, car, and closets to freshen the air. Can also use wood clothespins to attach to car vents for road trips. (add a few other oils to help the trip go smoothly).
- Help eliminate pet urine stains (especially cats) by mixing a few drops with water & spraying directly on affected areas.
- Great Carpet deodorizer - Make it yourself with baking soda and a few drops of Purification. Mix in a recycled spice jar and sprinkle on carpet. Leave for a few mins and vacuum right up. Add a few drops of your other favorite oils to make it smell even better (choose ones that smell like the current season).
- Add to Laundry detergent or directly to your wash water to give your laundry a little kick (GREAT for those times that you forgot the load in the washing machine or forgot the pool/beach clothes wadded up in your car, oops). You can also add a drop to a wet towel when putting clothes in the dryer.
If you haven't used Purification before, order some today!
Retail: $24.67
Wholesale: $18.75
*pricing does not include tax & shipping
Check out our other Premium Starter Kit oils.