So now, that I’ve told you about 11 different essential oils and just a few of their uses (trust me, there are 1,000s more uses, just check out pinterest or google them to get some more ideas), you may be thinking how can I get access to these oils. (If you aren’t that’s ok.)
I’m so glad you asked!!
There are 2 ways you can get Young Living products:
1. Retail Customer You can order any time (using my website: You will create a Customer account and can purchase at any time. You will be paying retail prices with this option.
2. Second and most popular option is a Wholesale membership – A wholesale account is a bit like joining Costco or Sam’s.
- The wholesale membership gets you 24% off retail price.
- You are not required to sell, distribute, promote or teach any classes like this one. You can get in just to be a wholesale buyer. 92% of members are just in it for the great discount.
- There are no required monthly minimums
- There is no annual renewal fee
- All that is required to keep your membership active is that you spend $50 (plus tax & shipping)...per year. Yes, I just said per year!
Starting at only $160.00 for the Premium Starter Kit (you can choose different diffusers & with each diffuser the price goes up just a bit).
Your Premium Starter Kit Includes: ($160)
• Home Diffuser
• Premium Essential Oils Collection;
- Lavender 5-ml
- Peppermint 5-ml
- Lemon 5-ml
- Copaiba 5-ml
- Frankincense 5-ml
- Thieves® 5-ml
- Purification® 5-ml
- R.C.™ 5-ml
- DiGize™ 5-ml
- PanAway® 5-ml
- Stress Away™ 5-ml
• 10 Sample Packets
• 10 Love It? Share It! Sample Business Cards
• 10 Love It? Share It! Sample Oil
• 2 NingXia Red® 2-oz. samples
• Product Guide and Product Price List
• Essential Oil Magazine
• Essential EdgeMember Resources
That is a fantastic deal! A Home or Dewdrop diffuser alone retails for $100.
VALUE: Frankincense and PanAway are almost $75 together. A diffuser alone retails for over $100. This is a fantastic and diverse group of oils to equip your home with as this retails for over $365 (depending on diffuser).
Wholesale: $160.00
*pricing does not include tax & shipping
Check out our other Premium Starter Kit oils.