Many times when people are writing about new delicious recipes for holiday meals, they always leave the turkey (or the main dish) to the end. Well, I figure, you typically prepare and cook that first as it often has the longest cooking time so why not share it first!
In my house we don't typically inject our turkey. We have come by the easiest way EVER to cook a moist turkey, the Oven Bag!! Seriously, check this out. You open the bag, insert the turkey, follow directions on bag and cook, come back when the button is sticking out. For reals, that simple. It bastes itself.
But if you are one that likes to inject your turkey, here is an awesome recipe to try using your Young Living Essential Oils.
Turkey Injection Sauce
4 Tablespoons Butter
1 Cup Chicken Broth
2 teaspoons Garlic Powder
2 drops Oregano essential oil
2 drops Thyme essential oil
4 drops Lemon essential oil
2 drops Black Pepper essential oil
1 teaspoon Salt
- Melt butter in a small saucepan.
- Add remaining ingredients, except the salt. Mix well!
- Add salt until mixture has a slight, but not overpower salty flavor.
- Remove mixture from heat and allow to cool enough to work with and load into your meat injector. (Roughly 5-6 minutes)
- Using a hypodermic needle or baster injector, inject the broth into the turkey; Concentrating mainly on the breast 2-3 hours before roasting or frying.
Yield: Enough for 12-14 lb turkey.
Here are a few to get you started: