Essential Oil Classes & Training
Looking of to learn more about Essential Oils and how they can benefit you & your family? Head over and take one of my classes today.
A New Way to Raise Funds
As a full-time missionary, I rely on the Lord to provide all of my financial needs as well as my spiritual, emotional & mental ones. The main way is through monthly support and special gifts from friends, family and sometimes complete strangers. Since 2007 when I first joined YWAM (Youth With A Mission) San Diego/Baja, the Lord has provided everything I have needed through monthly support and special gifts. But as living expenses have risen & monthly support going down and special gifts are fewer and fewer, I have been seeking the Lord for new ways to raise support.
In September 2014, a friend (who spent some time on the mission field and is now a Young Living independent distributor) posted on her Facebook page an offer to purchase a starter's kit for $150 (valued at over $290). I commented that I have been wanting to try oils but it is too expensive for me to as I barely have what I need for basic living expenses as it is. A few minutes later, she sent me a message stating that someone wanted to gift me that starter kit and help get me started using oils and becoming a distributor as well.
At first I was hesitant to sell oils as my mom has been involved in these types of things for years (hello Mary Kay, Park Lane Jewelry, etc). She used the products but didn't sell a ton. (My aunt on the other hand was pretty high up in Mary Kay until she had to stop to take care of family). On the other hand, I have heard AMAZING things about Young Living Essential Oils and their incredible benefits as well as knowing people who have done extremely well selling products like Mary Kay and JamBerry, etc.
Most of the time fundraising is hard and not everyone feels comfortable "giving away" their hard earned money. So this is a way people can support a missionary on the field while also receiving a product in return. I see it as a win-win! My physical and financial needs are taken care of and you are receiving an amazing product with tons of health benefits.
As I continue to pray about this, I feel this is right. I sense that the Lord is opening doors for me to use this as just another avenue that He will be providing for me financially while I am on the field. This doesn't mean that I am giving up traditional missionary support raising as that is very important as well. This doesn't mean that I will stop being a missionary or that I will be using that monthly support to "build a business". I am committed to continuing this life that the Lord has called me to in Mexico and this just means that I will have more opportunities to give. I will have more options to help provide food, shelter, clothing, etc to the poor wanderer or children and widows.
In September 2014, a friend (who spent some time on the mission field and is now a Young Living independent distributor) posted on her Facebook page an offer to purchase a starter's kit for $150 (valued at over $290). I commented that I have been wanting to try oils but it is too expensive for me to as I barely have what I need for basic living expenses as it is. A few minutes later, she sent me a message stating that someone wanted to gift me that starter kit and help get me started using oils and becoming a distributor as well.
At first I was hesitant to sell oils as my mom has been involved in these types of things for years (hello Mary Kay, Park Lane Jewelry, etc). She used the products but didn't sell a ton. (My aunt on the other hand was pretty high up in Mary Kay until she had to stop to take care of family). On the other hand, I have heard AMAZING things about Young Living Essential Oils and their incredible benefits as well as knowing people who have done extremely well selling products like Mary Kay and JamBerry, etc.
Most of the time fundraising is hard and not everyone feels comfortable "giving away" their hard earned money. So this is a way people can support a missionary on the field while also receiving a product in return. I see it as a win-win! My physical and financial needs are taken care of and you are receiving an amazing product with tons of health benefits.
As I continue to pray about this, I feel this is right. I sense that the Lord is opening doors for me to use this as just another avenue that He will be providing for me financially while I am on the field. This doesn't mean that I am giving up traditional missionary support raising as that is very important as well. This doesn't mean that I will stop being a missionary or that I will be using that monthly support to "build a business". I am committed to continuing this life that the Lord has called me to in Mexico and this just means that I will have more opportunities to give. I will have more options to help provide food, shelter, clothing, etc to the poor wanderer or children and widows.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.