Last summer, 2016, we did a whole renovation of our school {and by we I of course mean my incredible teaching staff and a few parents as I was in Alabama for my 20th High School Reunion and as it turns out, the funeral of my grandmother). We painted the walls and trim, put down new flooring after ripping out the old, rained on carpet, and added a LOT more shelving units. With this reno we were able to make some more defined areas in our class and were able to designate certain spaces for the 5 areas of a traditional Primary or Preschool 3-6 year old Montessori classroom {Practical Life, Sensorial, Culture & Science, Language, and Math}.
Without further ado (since I filmed this in September, the night before school officially started), here is our new classroom.
I will be continuing to highlight some of our Montessori and Montessori-inspired materials and works {which we call activities} with you over the next few months and how we made some of our materials like the Red Rods and the Number Rods, even some pretty amazing Sand Paper {in our case glitter foam} Letters and Numbers.
See some of our most recent posts below. And check out our online store or our Teachers Pay Teachers site for more incredible printables and Montessori-inspired and Montessori friendly activities.