Some concepts are a bit difficult for us to understand with all these new words being thrown around like number sense, number fluency and subitizing. These are just fancy words that mean knowing what numbers look like and what they represent and how they work together.
Numbers can be represented in a lot of different ways. In our classrooms we teach that the numeral (aka 1) is a symbol that represents one. But there are so many other ways to represent one. There are Roman Numerals, tally marks, ten frames, fingers, number words, objects, dots, etc. The list goes on and on.
So how do we help students understand this odd concept of representation and quantity? Well, there are several different ways to do that. We can use flash cards, online games, videos, and all kinds of things including these really cute & fun Number Fluency Puzzles that I made for our classrooms.
Below, you can see an explanation of several ways that these Number Fluency Puzzles can be used in your classrooms.
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