Here’s how it works:
1. Group students in groups of three. Assign students to be Student 1, 2, or 3. Note: This activity works best with at least 16 dominoes for a group of three.
2. Students spread out the face-down cards.
3. Each student takes 4 dominoes. Place the remaining cards in a face-down stack.
4. Student 1 turns over one of the remaining cards to use as the starter domino.
5. In turn, each student tries to connect one of the words on his/her domino to an end and justify the connection. If no connection is made, the student takes a card from the extra pile and tries to make a connection. If no connection can be made, the turn is lost.
6. The first student to place all of his/her dominoes is the winner.
via Classroom Freebies Too